JASC Volume 1 Issue 1
JASC Volume 1 Issue 1
JASC Volume 1 Issue 1

JASC Volume 1 Issue 1

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The Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change is primarily an online, open access journal, which you can access at no cost here. To compliment the online version, we are making this printed copy available for those who prefer to hold paper and words in hand and have a record of their reading on a bookshelf or coffee table. Call us "old school"!

The Journal is a place for creative scholarship that is breaking new ground in research and knowledge creation. It is also a place for highlighting current interesting examples of promising transformative practices and co-inquiring into these. It seeks to ask new questions, support methodological innovation, and explore emerging patterns across a range of place-based approaches to awareness-based systems change.

In this launch issue of the journal, contributions include:

  • Jessica Bockler, drawing connections between Transpersonal Psychology and Theory U
  • Arawana Hayashi & Ricardo D. Gonçalves, proposing a new aesthetic language to describe qualities and shifts in social fields
  • Kazuma Matoba, introducing and positions Global Social Witnessing as an educational tool for awareness-based systems change
  • Melanie Goodchild, exploring the need to decolonize systems thinking and provides, through example, a model of how this can be done
  • Commentary from the Field, by Editorial Board member Vanesa Weyrauch, focused on the contribution of awareness-based systems change research to her field of international development
  • In the Making, to bring forward for discussion works-in-progress, this issue focusing on the research embedded into GAIA
  • In Dialogue, which aims to surface knowledge that lives in practice and is articulated through dialogue, in this issue exploring the origins of key Presencing Institute tools with senior faculty

Product details: Printed with a black & white interior on 80# white coated paper, with a perfect-bound color cover, in an A4 format.

Cover photograph: Kelvy Bird